Este es el primero de los broches que he comenzado a hacer, de fieltro por supuesto!! Lo hice hace una semana y pico... con tanta creatividad no tengo tiempo para colgar todas las cositas en los posts pero poco a poco van apareciendo ;)
El otro día entré en una tienda de telas (en verdad fueron 3, jeje). Había telas de toodo tipo, fieltro, tela de peluche, para hacer disfraces (¡había hasta una tela de lycra de spiderman!), de flores, con puntos, infantil.... ufff demasiadas cosas. Al final caí y compre alguna cosilla, no pude resistirme ^o^.
Nunca antes había entrado en estos sitios y la verdad, sólo con dar una vuelta me entraron ganas de comprar metros y metros de tela :D
This is the first brooch (of many...) I've started with. It's made of felt of course!! I made it more than a week ago... with so much creativity I don't have the time to post all the things I'm making, but little by little I am uploading all of them ;)
The other day I went to a fabric shop (actually I went to 3 shops, *lol*). There were all kinds of fabric; felt, plush, to make costumes (there was even a spiderman spandex fabric!), with flowers, polka dots, for kids rooms.... too many to write them all up. I ended up succumbing and bought a couple of things, I just couldn't resist ^o^ .
I had never before entered this kind of shops, but in a couple of minutes I wantes to buy metres and meters of fabric. I was in fabric paradise :D (exept that it wasn't for free ¬¬)
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