In first place I want to excuse myself for not uploading anything last thursday. The truth is I had a post ready for thursday but apparently blogger had technical problems and there were posts like mine which were not published. So, a few days in delay I bring to you my new creation:
Es una foto relacionada con mis vacaciones. En el puente de mayo (el primer fin de semana de mayo) fui a Asturias (donde se bebe sidra y las carreteras tienen muuuuchas curvas :s) . Allí visitamos una playa repleta de piedras donde recogí las piedras que paraecen en la foto y que son tooodas redonditas (ver la foto siguiente) y al llegar a casa decidí copiarlas en fieltro. No han quedado bien del todo pero se acerca lo suficiente a lo que quería hacer.
This is a photo related with my holidays. The first weekend of may I went to Asturias (where they drink cider and roads have lots and lots of curves :s). There we visited a beach full of pebbles and I decided to collect a few (they are all very rounded) and when I got back home I decided to copy them in felt. They don't look that good but it looks pretty much like I expected.
(Parecen planetas...)
La verdad es que nunca sabes de donde te va a llegar la inspiración...
(They look like planets...)
You never know where the inspiration is going to come from...
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