Hoy os traigo un regalito que le he hecho a mi sobrino. Ahora mismo no creo que lo aprecie, los recién nacidos no tienen buena vista así que tendré que esperar para saber si le gusta o no su movil de buhos.
La inspiración la saqué de este blog que además tiene unas cositas preciosas. Y debo agradecerle a mi padre su ayuda a la hora de colgar los buhos en los palitos con mucho cuidado y equilibrio!
I'm posting today a gift I made for my newborn nephew. I don't think he will really appreciate it at the moment; newborn babies don't see very well, so we'll have to waitto find out if he likes his new "owlish" mobile or not....
I obtained inspiration from this blog which has many beautiful things as well. And I also want to thank my dad for his help with hanging the owls on the wooden pieces!
I obtained inspiration from this blog which has many beautiful things as well. And I also want to thank my dad for his help with hanging the owls on the wooden pieces!